Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Management of queues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Management of queues - Essay Example Thus, this type of model is time efficient because the service rate, which is the number of customers attended within a given time interval, increases. A good example is of customers waiting in queues to get their checks cashed in front of multiple counters in a bank. No Customer Frustration Multiple queues put an end to customers’ frustration which they have to face in case of single queues. The frustration that single queues offer has an impact on the customer satisfaction and good will and thus costs the company a lot in the long run. Thus, with multiple queues this problem can be eliminated since customers are quickly attended to within least possible time. For example, when there are multiple check outs in a grocery store, a consumer feels good when he does not have to wait in long single queue with grocery on the trolley which he has to guard too. Multiple queuing model is a blessing at grocery stores. Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons gave the example of McDonalds which †Å"feared that customers would balk on seeing a long line† (454) and therefore implemented multiple queues. Switching of Queues Customers can always switch onto the queue which seems to be shorter and in which he feels that he will be attended much sooner. For example, when a new movie is going to be released, there are multiple queues in front of the ticketing counters. Some queues are long and some are short. A customer from long queue can come out and join a shorter one to save time and energy. This way, the queues also get managed themselves and the load on each counter is distributed among all the counters. Enjoyment One benefit that multiple queues have on single queues is that when customers make multiple queues, they are free to chat with each other and have fun while they are waiting for their turns. This makes them comfortable with the situation they are in and they pass their waiting time happily. Example is of people queued up for tickets in front of the cinema hall and chatting about the new movie. Disadvantages Cost Multiple queues with multiple services facilities sometimes adds too much to the set up cost because it may happen that the customers are being attended too efficiently and thus some servers remain idle for some time which also results in some employees being idle resulting in low morale. Multiple queues require a lot of service capacity in order to be efficient. No First-come first-served In case of multiple queues, since it is the customer’s choice which queue to join and since he can always switch onto the queue which seems shorter, the rule of first-come, first-served or first-in, first-out cannot be applied. A good example is that of traffic jam, where a driver can leave his line and enter one which seems shorter and running faster. This way, even if he came later than other drivers, he has chances of getting out of the traffic sooner. Also, when a queue is switched, the previous queue always seems to have become fast er and shorter. This is an out of logic stigma attached to multiple queues which cannot be explained. Alertness Although the customers in multiple queues can have an extra fun of chatting and gossiping with each other, yet they have to remain extra alert so that they can hear their number. They can be careless about their turn or number more than if they were in a single queue. Example is of fast food centers as McDonalds where people engage in socializing and may become forgetful of their numbers. Psychological

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